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Monday, December 13, 2010

New Baby... a little early.

It seems like not too long ago, I had taken their maternity pictures.  We met down near the Warming Hut at Crissy Fields and Jenn got out of the car and I asked her when she was due.  She smiled sweetly and said in two months.  In my mind, I thought she must secretly have twins in there!  Turns out, their original due date was the correct one and the latest due date was off by an entire month.  Yikes!  

About two weeks after Trislynn was born, I went out to their home and took some pictures of the new arrival!  :)  She's such a cute and sweet little baby girl and I was happy to be able to photograph a few moments of their lives!

Merry Christmas to Jenn, Jon and Trislynn!  Here's to many joy and love filled holidays in the future!

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